Legacy Open Mesh: Switches: Adding a Switch


This article describes how to add an Open Mesh Switch to CloudTrax.


  • Open Mesh Switches


You can add any Open Mesh Switch to a network you manage. You will need the MAC address of the switch.


1. Navigate to Manage ? Switches and select a switch.

2. Click the Manage dropdown, then click Switches.

Figure 1:

3. Click Add Switch.

mceclip1.pngFigure 2: Add Switch

4. On the Add Switch page, you can either add a single switch or add switches in bulk.

Adding a single switch

1. Input the Name, MAC Address, and a brief Description for your switch.


Figure 3: Add Single Switch

2. Choose an initial setting to apply to your switch:


Figure 4: Initial Settings

  • Use Default Settings: This option applies the default settings for a switch.
  • Apply Settings From Template: This option applies settings as defined in a template previously configured on the switch. For more information on templates, see this article.
  • Copy Settings From Existing Switch: This option copies a setting from a previously added switch in your network.

3. Click Add Switch.

Bulk adding switches

1. Create a CSV file containing three columns:

  • MAC: This column is for entering the MAC address of each switch.
  • Model: This column is for entering the model of each switch.
  • Name: This column is for entering the name of each switch.

You can generate a sample CSV file containing the three columns described above from the Add Switch page by clicking Download sample CSV.

2. Click Browse to upload your CSV file.


Figure 5: Browsing for a CSV file

3. Click Bulk Add.